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Matthew Robert Willey

Matthew Robert Willey

Matthew Robert Willey

03 August 1971 - 1 November 2023


… In loving memory of …. Matthew Robert Willey …

Passed away peacefully on Wednesday, 1st November 2023.

Much loved Father to Georgia and Isabel.

Treasured son of David & Wendy Willey.

A cherished family member and friend.

‘Forever Remembered’

Funeral Details

Parkview – Ballina
21 Kalinga St
Ballina NSW 2478

Date: Friday, 10 Nov 2023
Time: 10:00 am


11 replies on “WILLEY, Matthew Robert”

Leigh Mcintoshsays:

My dear friend Matt you are gone but not forgotten, you will stay in my heart forever.
I’m so incredibly grateful to have known you and will cherish our memories together.
Thinking of your beautiful girls at this time may they stay safe and well under your heavenly watch.
Fly high Matt Willey you will be missed.

Mike Williamssays:

Matt, can’t quite believe you’ve left us mate. So pleased to have caught up with you the last time you were over in the Uk and to see the obvious love and pride you have for Georgia and Isobel.
Don’t worry I’ll keep an eye out for Mum, Dad and your ‘little’ bro Dan.
Rest well my friend.

Chris Wottonsays:

There is a real problem when writing about a dear friend, you have tears rolling down your face because of the loss, of someone that is special to so many, but pangs of uncontrollable laughter because of the time spent with that friend. So many mischief stories I could tell, the list is endless. So many things to be grateful for, knowing you as a friend. You are now with another dear friend and mischievous one at that, say hello to Willy and paint heaven in the colours you deserve. God bless you my old friend.

Simon lidstonesays:

Although we hadn’t spoken to each other for some years you were quite often in my thoughts, I have some fond memories of us growing up together (some quite colourful !! ) you will be sadly missed mate but never forgotten

Paula Doustsays:

Dear Matt
I have so many memories of you and they all include a big smile and a twinkle in your eyes.
Apart from the iconic photo of you and Dan as Pageboys, at Wendy and Dereks wedding, fists clenched shoulders squared and the bride on her way into church turning around to tell you both off!
You were such a big part of my girls childhood too, a highlight for them was to be your bridesmaids, and it’s of no surprise to us that you went on to become a wonderful father to your girls.
You were so far away but your loss is felt here by us and our thoughts are with Georgia and Isabel, David and Wendy and Dan.
With our love to you Matt from Paula, Jessica and Tamsin xxx

Dan willeysays:

Hey Bro,
I am lost for words , They say only the good die young so you were obviously wanted elsewhere.
Which means I will still be here at 100 I think.
I still can’t believe you are gone, I feel like a part of me is missing. You were very brave right to the end and when I spoke to you, you said keep your chin up bro and look after everyone for me
I will never forget you my brother and you will be in my thoughts and dreams everyday.
I know you will be looking down on us from up there and I will look up at the stars at night and have a chat with you.
See you on the other side bro
And save a space for me
Rest in peace Matt
Dan your little brother xxx

Mark Callardsays:

So many fond memories of you Matt. From finding you asleep in the dogs basket with the dog after a night out, to when we found ourselves standing next to each other picking our girls up from Brownies in Salcombe. I will always remember you with a smile on my face. Our thoughts are with your girls, you will be missed always, but never forgotten.

Rob Kirbysays:

Matt old mate …. When I met you at kb school we hit it off … you were the big man that looked after this little hobbit… I was lost and knew nobody.. you looked out for me and that has always struck a cord. You my friend were and always will be a special part of many many people’s lives . Mine especially… now you and willey can be together. We will all see each other again no doubt…. X

Sally Mooresays:

My darling friend, I feel so truly blessed to have had you in my life, I shall miss you every day……

Matthew, Daisy and Jane Stockssays:

Fly high me old mate.

Izzy and Gabby were the two most loved girls in the world and I hope they can cherish the great times they had with you…..
We’ll have a scrumpy for ya when we get back…….

Mark Miller and Barbara Smeltzersays:

We met Matt and Isabel on a train from Penzance to London in the summer of 2017. We sat together for the duration of the journey of several hours, and still remark about the pleasure of their company. Matt was such a gentleman, and Isabel seemed like the young woman we’d all yearn to claim as a daughter or grand-child. Several days ago I sent Matt an email, unaware that he has, as the Irish saying goes, stepped behind the curtain. We offer our heartfelt wishes to his family for peace of mind, and express our gratitude for that chance meeting, which turned an ordinary train trip into a cherished memory.

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