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Helpful Articles

Oct 23

Digital Legacy Planning: Managing Your Online Presence After Death

Posted by Admin

As we live more of our lives online, managing our digital assets after death has become an essential part of estate planning. Digital legacy planning ensures that your online presence is handled in line with your wishes after you pass away. This includes your social media accounts, emails, online subscriptions, and digital assets like photos and files.

The first step in digital legacy planning is creating an inventory of all your online accounts. These include social media platforms, emails, banking services, cloud storage, and subscription services. List your login credentials and store them securely, such as in a password manager, to allow trusted individuals access when needed.

Next, decide what should happen to your accounts after your death. Many social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer memorialisation or account deletion options. For example, Facebook allows you to designate a legacy contact to manage your account once it becomes memorialised. Inform your chosen representative of your preferences for handling these accounts.

For email accounts, most platforms do not allow access unless prearranged, so it’s crucial to specify how you want these handled in your will. Make sure any financial accounts, such as PayPal or online banking, are included in your plan.

Your digital legacy should also include any digital files you want to pass on, such as photos, videos, and documents. Ensure these are backed up and that your loved ones have access to preserve important memories and information.

By planning ahead, you can alleviate the burden on your family and ensure that your online presence is managed according to your wishes. Parkview Funeral Home encourages families to consider their digital assets when planning for the future.