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HEAL, Beverley 'Bev'

HEAL, Beverley 'Bev'

HEAL, Beverley 'Bev'

30 August 1955 - 14 January 2024


… In loving memory of …. Beverley Anne ‘Bev’ Heal …

Late of Casino.
Passed away peacefully, surrounded by loved ones, at Caroona Jarman Nursing Home.
Sunday 14th January aged 68 years.
Dearly loved wife of Bob.
Loved Mother and Mother-in-law of
Naomi & Neil Woods, Matthew & Georgina,
and Phillip & Megan.
Cherished Grandmother of Charlotte, Leah, Lucas, Bryce, Hailey, Naomi, and Finn.

Loved Sister of Robyn, Jennifer, Robert, and Colleen.

Relatives and friends are warmly invited to attend Bev’s funeral service to be held at The Arentz Chapel, Parkview Funeral Home, Casino on Monday January 22nd, at 10:30am.
After the service, the cortege will leave for the Casino Lawn Cemetery.


Funeral Details

Parkview – Casino
41 Walker Street
Casino NSW 2470

Date: Mon, 22 January 2024
Time: 10:30 am

4 replies on “HEAL, Beverley Anne ‘Bev’”

Dianne (Maber) MacDougallsays:

I am so sorry I cannot attend (or even watch unfortunately) today. Bev was such a great friend in the days when we were neighbours and our kids played together. Our road took a different path over the years. Much love to the whole family and I will be thinking of you at 10.45. She is at rest now. God bless you all. Love Dianne

Kath Boonhamsays:

Fly high, Bev. It was an honour to have met you and your beautiful family. You touched our lives in such a brief time. Sending my love, Kath

Sharon Healsays:

Thinking of Uncle Bob, Naomi, Matt and Phil during this sad time at the loss of their precious wife and mother, Aunty Bev. She is now in the presence of the Lord and at rest. Her faith and love of the Lord Jesus Christ was always present. Our hope is in heaven and not on this earth. As the hymn says Aunty Bev is now “Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast.”
With much love from Sharon xoxo❤️🙏

Colossians 3:1-4.
“1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.”

Psalms 16:11
“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”

Dianne Tamblynsays:

To Bob and family,
Please accept our sincere and deepest sympathy on the passing of Bev, from Dianne & Vance Tamblyn. (Thought you may this poem)
“God saw you getting tired,
When a cure was not to be.
So he wrapped his arms around you, and whispered,
“Come to me.”
You didn’t deserve what you went through,
So He gave you a rest.
God’s garden must be beautiful,
He only takes the best
And when I saw you sleeping,
So peaceful and free from pain
I could not wish you back
To suffer that again.”

by Anon.

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